Cedco Severe

Personal Trainer/ Life Coach

When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability and perseverance. Back in 2015, during my freshman year of college at the age of 19, I ignited the Team CDB movement. What is CDB? It's all about being Committed, Determined, and a straight-up BEAST. Why sustainability and perseverance? Because Team CDB goes beyond just a fitness trend; it's a journey beyond contentment. I'm on a mission to lead individuals into a world of health and activity, relishing the rewards of hard work while we're still young and bursting with energy. Being part of Team CDB means committing to the relentless pursuit of dreams. "Can't" is not in our vocabulary; we transform it into a resounding "can." It's not just about going through the motions; it's about truly living, extracting every drop of value life offers, and then reaching for MORE. let's redefine what living to the fullest truly means! C’MON NOW !

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Cedco Severe